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Devilman Episode 2 Title Card

The Eye on an Obelisk? How occult! And probably Yugioh!

Monster Shirenu (Yoju Shirenu 妖獣シレーヌ) was the 2ndt episode of Devilman. It came out July 15, 1972 in Japan.



Silene tv

I Summon Harpie Archfiend in Attack Mode

In the Himalayas Zenon asks Silene if she believes Devilman (Or DeBiRuMaN if ur a weeb who sez Koo Ree Ren instead of Krillin or Sahn Goh Kouhh for Goku or PaiKuHan instead of Pikkon but for some reason, never BuRuMa instead of Bulma) and she only believes what she seez. Zenon sez Henka said Devilman fell in love with a Human and sends her to check it out. She busts outta the ice like a bat outta h e double new zealand and flyes off to Hetero Japan which should take a while as thats like across the continent and we get the title.

Akira wakes up after a weird dream but does NOT have spurm all over the ceiling like in Devilman Crybaby and whines of the Human body being too weak. The window is open and wind is blowing in but when he goes there, the window is closed, which might be an animation error or a horror thing. He sees Miki walking around outside in Leather Undies a pink nightgown and he jumps out the window and takes off his jammies to reveal his A Shirt under it and follows her. When he gets to her across this bridge(like Sleepy Hollow?) its really Silene and she's a giantess cuz thats a lot of guys fetishes. Also real daemons and children of human/Fallen Angels were giants in The Bible and other History Texts. You know, she's the size of a Transformer, maybe after Mazinger Z vs. Transformers we otta get Transformers Vs Devilman?

She asks if he cares of Miki and he asks where Miki is and she sez if he wants her back, he has to tell her if he betrayed the Daemon Race(NOT french). He sez its not her business and wants Miki which devolves into him charging at her and she blows him back with her head wings. He transformers into Demon Senshi Debiru man and his theme plays but she sez if he fights her he's also fighting the daemon tribe. He sez they took Miki 1st and pulls a power lines tower and throws it then they fight but she turns into a swarm of butterflies and goes in the sewer.

He devolves back into Akira and climbs down the Man Hole but not a dudes anus and finds Miki Blacked out. Seeing she's cute and not awake, he sees his chance to smooch WOC With Out Consent, which would make the feminazies chimp out and think he's butt raeping her as if a kiss on the cheek is like a d0ng in the mouth. She wakes up before he lips her and he act flustered and she hugs him saying he's her Guardian Angel Devilman(Like in DBZ how Piccolo is Gohans hero? But when Goku saves Pan people whine even though Pan is WAY hotter than Gohan with dat thicc booty and nice outfit). she wonders how she knows of his real name and she turns into Silere and claws his back but not in a sexy was like in Crybaby with the b0ning.

She turns back to her Daemon Forme in the sewer as Japanese Sewers are pretty big I guess and Shirenu sez she was aking being Miki and there was no Miki out there. She asks why he betrayed their race and he sez he dont need to answer and transforms big again and both bust outta the sewer and are now the size of Megazords. his f--ks up the town like devolved protesters when a junkie gets iced near a cop and they torch their homes/jobs/schools outta malcontentary. Deevilmans wound is bigger now that he's grown and causes more pain and he gets busted around by Shirenu and carried off by claws grabbing his back to a volcano.

She don't know why he betrayed them for a ningen woman and puts her head tentacles on his nips to read his mind as he's blakd out and see Miki's dad having a funeral pyre for Akiras dad and vowing to look after Akira for him. Then we see stuff from the last ep where he met Miki and she wan nice and comforts him for his dad and he forgot his mission to cause chaos on earth(chaos con troll!). Then the clip of him f--kin with some nerd with his belt and nerd a55 likes candy a55 ghandi but Akira swings his belt and hits Miki who got in the way and makes her bleed!(something you don't even get in dragon ball anymore cuz t devolved into sissy frooty girly pc cr-p to try to appeal to a mainstream world audience, which only takes away what the REAL fans wanted in the 1st place! At least GT had blood! Remember when Bebi got nuked by Goku's Kamehameha and his skin burned off? Or the final Evil Dragon shanked Vegeta's arm with his spike and blood was out? dat was bada55!) She slaps him and tells him off for being violent and how the Akira she knows is usually nice(wait til Violence Jack! Wait, Wrong Akira!). Her words and tears reached him and he went gay for her and had feeling that made him care for her more than others.

Akira wakes up and Shirenu sez she read his mind and he's too f'd out to move from the wound. Shirenu is gonna ice Miki to bring him back to her side(like Shin stabbing Yuria to get rid of Ken's reason for ambition?) and flies off as Akira tries to go but is too pained. He turns back to Akira and is wearing clothes somehow and blacks out in the road and 2 Nipponjin come by. When they turn around he beats em out and not off as that would be seuxally challenged and car jacks em but not off as that would be seuxally challenged. He somehow knows how to drive and his back wound is still there in his shirt so its the same one and he has trouble seeing with his ningen eyes and eventually he drives off a cliff.

At the Makimura place, Tare comes down and sees a butterfly and it blasts him with light that puts him to sleep, but not like in soviet cansda when you dont get health care in time and its easier just to get the needle. Miki's rents are awake hearing a sound and are in twin beds as I guess they dont b0ne and figured its better than getting ur n-ts cut like little kuriboh who didn't wana get his huge wife preggers and didn't wanna stop b0ning her fat a55(Well, he does like big butts, he's buttseuxal. I too like fat chicks. Hnnnnnnng! Viva La Valerie!!). The butterfly light blasts em to sleep and the window opens in Miki's room and knox over a plant but she closes it. Things go weind and this toy doll in a glass cube breaks outta the glass and is now big and comes for her but she slaps it away and I guess it was just the angle and it wasn't really big and it breaks on the ground. She tries to run but a hand grabs her like buggy the clown in one piece or b=ggery the clown in wang piece and we see her undies under her nightgown. The blanket catches her and carrys her out and then turns into shirenu and flies off.

She comes to Akira and is impressed he came back after that wound and how da f did he survive the car wreck? wait, he's a daemon, he's tougher than ningen. she'd hlding miki in her hands and miki wakes up and shirenu flies off and drops her but catches her b4 she splatters. Shirenu sez she only said she wanted to kill miki to scare Akira and won't ice Miki if Akira comes with her to the Himalayas but then grabs her head until Akira agrees to go back with her. She glad she beat Devilman as he surrendered and that counts. He walks off and Shirenu sez if he turns around she'd ice Miki.

Shirenu is gonna throw Miki into a pool of blood in some Hell thing but Devilman in Big Mode jumps out and reveals he knew he couldn't trust her or anyone except miki and in the fight, Miki falls on the side of the blood pool out of the blood. Shirenu attacks and uses foot claws (literally toenails) but Akira dodges it and does DeBiRu Jump and on the way down, Chops her in the face with a blood spray that's pretty bada55(esp as he's beating up a chick! Most shows queer out about that but here, men beating chicks in a fight). She flies off and goes in the water and Akira follows and sez he was able to regenerate in the time it took Shiranu to try to harambe Miki. Shirenu flies in the sea with her head wings like a bird on the water but not Rei from Hokuto No Ken and as she rises, Akira is grabbing her feet. Her wings are soaked and she can't bring em up and he lets go and goes up on his Salamence Wings to fire a DeBuRu Beam and burn her to poof smoke. Akira brings Miki back to bed and sez she only had a bad dream and leaves and Zenon sez Devilman really did betray them and he better stop him before it makes other turn on him too. Then sends Geruge to kill him in the next episode.


  • Shirenu kinda beating Devilman is also used in the Devilman Manga but different.
  • Also her using her antennae on him for a mind thing was also done in the manga, her there he grabbed her head things with his and f'd with her psychicr-p to make her spinning arm blade ail her.
  • According to Gekiman! Go Nagai wanted to have Shireu nude like in the Manga but the Toei guys thought it was too much, even though she's a daemon and not a human, so he gave her a dress thing. It should be noted that disney had nude nip harpies(which sounds like a Yugioh card) in Fantasia in 1940 or w/e (back before it devolved). So it kinda works.
  • Shirenu saying not to turn around or its death was kinda like The Bible with Lot's wife being turned into salt after looking back at Sodom getting nuked for its unspeakable sins.